The project report “Creating a Roadmap for the Development of the Wind Turbine Recycling Sector in Izmir” is published

We have completed the project “Creating a Roadmap for the Development of the Wind Turbine Recycling Sector in Izmir Province”, which we provided technical consultancy as GTE, carried out by Izmir Development Agency.

Within the scope of the project, we evaluated the cyclical management possibilities of wind turbine components, which have started to attract attention in the world in recent years. We hope that the project outputs will be beneficial for all stakeholders in terms of #sustainability in the rapidly developing wind industry in Izmir and Turkey.

You can access the “Izmir Wind Turbine Blade Recycling Roadmap” report via the link below.


The Cross-border Climate Vulnerabilities and Remote Impacts of EU, Turkey and African Food Systems Project (CREATE)

“Cross-border Climate Vulnerabilities and Remote Effects of EU, Turkey and African Food Systems: Trade, Climate Risk and Adaptation (CREATE)” project, coordinated by Ankara University Water Management Institute (Assoc. Prof. Gökşen Çapar) and GTE is a project partner. H2020 Food Systems and Climate (FOSC) is supported under the ERA-NET Cofund 2019 call.

Works are carried out by a consortium of eight organizations from Turkey, Morocco, the Netherlands and Egypt. CREATE aims to develop a new cross-border climate risk/impact assessment methodology for food value chains based on the concept of established sourcing (e.g. water, soil and carbon) and trade that maps the representative links between socio-economic activities and remote climatic hazards in the EU, Africa and Turkey.

Development of Circular Water Management Possibilities at Multisectoral (Urban, Industrial and Agricultural) Scale: The Case of Küçük Menderes River Basin

Istanbul Aydın University (Dr. Lecturer Hasan Volkan ORAL) coordinated by Dokuz Eylül University, General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works and GTE as project partners “Development of Circular Water Management Opportunities at Multisectoral (Urban, Industrial and Agricultural) Scale: The Case of Küçük Menderes River Basin” project is supported by COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology and TUBITAK joint programme “Implementing nature-based solutions for creating a resourceful city -CA 17133 – WG 2” action.

The project aims to develop circular water management possibilities at a multispectral scale in the case of the Küçük Menderes River Basin. The issue of water allocation will be partially proposed based on the intended uses that will indirectly come up when analysing different water uses (industry-urban-agriculture), integrating the treatment option when necessary. Therefore, the discussion and evaluation of both the water quality in Küçük Menderes and the water quality that may arise from cyclic processes will emerge as the project develops.

We are trying to Reveal Water Management Possibilities in the Küçük Menderes Basin!

We have started our fieldwork within the scope of our new project, “Development of Cyclic Water Management Opportunities on a Multisectoral (City, Industry and Agriculture) Scale: The Case of Kucuk Menderes River Basin”.

Within the scope of the TÜBITAK 2519 Program, in this project, which we carry out in line with the COST Association – European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) CA 17133 Action (Circular City Re. Solution) objectives, we are among the urban, industrial and agricultural water users in the Kucuk Menderes River Sub-basin in Izmir province. We aim to reveal circular water management opportunities.

We hope that the project carried out in cooperation with Dokuz Eylül University and the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works under the coordination of Istanbul Aydin University will be an essential step in solving the water access problems in the region in recent years.


EKO PRODUCTION- Climate Friendly Competitiveness Program

Increasing environmental sustainability needs all over the world, transition to a low carbon economy, increasing importance of issues such as resource efficiency, circular economy, energy efficiency, and global priorities within the scope of sustainability and climate change and the political, legal and commercial regulations brought by these will bring to the industry, especially export companies, a very important contribution. costs occur. Seeing this need, TTGV is developing the “ECO PRODUCTION – Climate Friendly Competitiveness Programme and contributing to the development of the industry with a focus on sustainable production and climate change; It aims to provide a comprehensive support approach that will create a value chain, from analysis and needs assessment to project design and access to finance, and to create solution-oriented value-creating collaborations by bringing different stakeholders together as an integrator/coordinator platform.

In the project, where GTE is involved as a project consultant, with the project design and feasibility support to the companies selected as a result of the negotiations with the Medium and Large Scale Enterprises in Ankara, Izmir and Manisa, both for the existing resources of TTGV for this purpose and for the sustainable production to be offered by the public and private sectors. It is aimed to provide easier access to appropriate financial resources.