R&D and Inovation
- We are witnessing that the field of sustainability is changing rapidly with the developing technologies, new trends and global trends.
- As GTE, we position ourselves as a part of this change and blend our expertise in the field of sustainability with our innovation culture, which is open to new approaches and based on interdisciplinary collaboration.
- With this perspective, we follow a roadmap that starts with innovative ideas and reaches new products/services that create value.
- We carry out joint R&D studies/projects with leading universities and research institutions in the field by making use of many national and international R&D funds. We aim to conclude all the R&D projects we carry out with “need-oriented” and “market-oriented” solutions.

Interests and Activities
- Investigation of the effects of climate change on the energy sector
- Investigation of the possibilities of using metal processing industry wastes in bio-based energy and fertilizer production
- Production of phosphorus-based fertilizer from wastewater as a product with high added value
- Recovery of chemical wastewater and use in the production of different commercial products