Carbon and Water Footprint and Resource Efficiency Roadmap for Lignite Mining Industry

Polyak Eynez Enerji Üretim Madencilik San. ve Tic. Inc. In the Kınık Lignite Mine operation within the scope of the current situation assessment, carbon and water footprint reporting was made and resource efficiency and cyclical opportunities were evaluated in order to improve environmental performance. Under the heading of evaluation of the current situation, the calculation of the carbon and water footprint of the enterprise, reporting according to appropriate standards, competitor analysis and evaluation according to sectoral metrics were made.

In addition to the existing ESG approaches within the framework of national/international developments, assessment of transitional risks and good practice examples in the national/international arena, in addition to the existing ESG approaches, the European Union Green Agreement, the Paris Agreement and the Border Carbon Tax and similar developments are for the coal mining sector of our country and especially Polyak Eynez. A roadmap was prepared by GTE as a result of a comprehensive assessment of the opportunities and risks it creates for the company.

Environmental Footprint Project Eco-Labelling System for Business

Working with the Aegean Forest Foundation and the Lifelong Learning, Vocational Education and Development Association, London-based Carbon Trust is the project manager of the Environmental Footprint for the Business World project, in 5 pilot sectors (printing, packaging, construction chemicals) in the Aegean Region. An eco-labelling system has been established to reduce the carbon emissions of manufactured products (cement, glass, cement, and glass). As a result of the project, the environmental footprint of the products of the pilot companies was measured, documented and environmental footprint labels were created.

Within the scope of the project, the studies on the eco-label application were turned into a booklet and presented to the business world. Studies conducted in EU member states and examples of good practices on the creation and certification of environmental footprints and the preparation of product labels for products manufactured in Turkey, especially for export, are included.

Zero Carbon Point

With the EU Civil Society Dialogue CSD-V Grant, the “Zero Carbon Point” project was implemented in partnership with the Lifelong Learning Vocational Education and Development Association, Aegean Forest Foundation, RENAC energy & Climate GmbH. In the project, it is aimed to observe the activities that will contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, to adapt the components in the renewable energy sector to daily life and to exhibit good practice examples in the efficient use of natural resources.

Within the scope of the project, GTE carried out the preparation of the Water Footprint Calculation Module and the Carbon Footprint Calculation Module to be used on the Aegean Forest Foundation website. It is aimed that the modules will be a module that uses data on a provincial basis for Turkey and allows for original calculations. All necessary items (direct and indirect water footprint calculations and blue, green and grey water footprint calculations for water footprint; air and road transportation tab for carbon footprint, electricity consumption tab, domestic heating tab that allows calculation for data of different fuel types) have been taken into account to calculate the personal footprint in the water and carbon footprint modules.

Istanbul Metropolitan Area Carbon Footprint – Greenhouse Gas Inventory for 2015

After the greenhouse gas inventory was prepared for 2010 in Istanbul, the greenhouse gas inventory for 2015 was completed with the support of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Environmental Protection Directorate Istanbul Environmental Management Industry and Trade Joint Stock Company (ISTAC).

The total carbon footprint of Istanbul for 2015, calculated according to the GPC 2014 BASIC approach, was calculated as 47,340,725 tCO2 equivalent. In this context, the greenhouse gas inventory of 2015 has been a guiding source of information for the preparation of an effective “Istanbul Climate Change Action Plan” with the results obtained. It can be said that this report, which is prepared according to the latest versions of the relevant methods and guidelines (GPC 2014 Basic), together with the previous report for 2010, is a second step towards establishing a solid foundation for increasing the quality and completeness of future studies.

Other projects we have realized with IBB:

Istanbul Metropolitan Area Carbon Footprint – Greenhouse Gas Inventory for 2010

Within the scope of the Project, whose full name is “Improving the Greenhouse Gas Calculation Capacity of IMM and Establishing Istanbul’s Greenhouse Gas Inventory” and supported within the framework of the United Kingdom Welfare Fund, the carbon footprint of Istanbul was calculated and reported according to the most up-to-date methods and guidelines.

Assoc. from Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Environmental Protection Directorate, GTE, ERM and ITU. Dr. With the work carried out by Alper Ünal in 2013, the Istanbul 2010 Greenhouse Gas Inventory was prepared. The project has been a study for Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, in which important information about reducing and managing greenhouse gas emissions has been obtained. The carbon footprint of the Istanbul metropolitan area, one of the largest megacities in the world, was announced as 40.7 million tCO2 for 2010, revealing that Istanbul has a share of 11% in Turkey’s total greenhouse gas emissions. The carbon footprint disclosed is the first report prepared in accordance with international methodologies and standards and shared with the public.

Other projects we have realized with IMM:


The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) launched the Medium-Scale Sustainable Energy Financing Program (MidSEFF) in 2011 to finance medium-scale sustainable energy investments (renewable energy (RE), waste energy (WtE)). In the same year, with the co-financing of the EBRD and the European Investment Bank, the program was expanded as MidSEFF Phase II and the total funds provided were brought to 1 billion Euros. After the allocation of funds under MidSEFF Phases I and II, MidSEFF III has been prepared. MidSEFF III has committed € 500 million to investments in renewable energy and resource efficiency. The aim of the program is to fill the financing gaps required for renewable energy and resource efficiency investments in Turkey, to improve the skills of banks in the technical evaluation of suitable technologies, and to increase the banks’ compliance with the EU’s environmental and social standards in the evaluation of medium-sized renewable energy and resource efficiency investments.

The aim of the project is to support the implementation of the program. Within the scope of the project, ensuring the compliance of sub-projects with EU environmental and social standards, transferring skills to local experts and participating financial institutions, ensuring the reproduction of sub-projects that implement EU environmental and social and health and safety standards, supporting participatory financial institutions to develop and monitor renewable energy and resource efficiency projects. targeted.

The project was carried out in 2016 as a consortium of MWH, GTE and Frankfurt School of Finance & Management GmbH (FsF). In the project, GTE carried out activities such as developing the carbon potential of sub-projects, providing support for carbon footprint analysis for industrial customers, Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV), and providing carbon-related trainings to stakeholders and participating financial institutions.

Bursa Metropolitan Municipality Light Rail System Carbon Certification

The Light Rail System Carbon Certification project carried out by Bursa Metropolitan Municipality was financed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and its consultancy was carried out by GTE as a local partner.

The registration of the project was completed by the Verified Carbon Standard in December 2013, and the greenhouse gas reductions achieved in the first monitoring period between July 2015 and June 2016 were also verified by independent organizations. Within the scope of the work completed in January 2017, the greenhouse gas reduction achieved during this period was calculated and certified as 7,092 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. The project in question is the first voluntary carbon project carried out by a municipality in Turkey, and it is also the first project in Turkey to receive an emission reduction certificate in the field of transportation, and one of the few projects in the world.

Soma Urban Heating System

The Soma Urban Heating System project, which GTE advises on emission reduction certification, has become the first in Turkey and one of the few projects in the world to receive the Gold Standard emission reduction certificate among district heating projects. The project was initiated by EÜAŞ and Soma Municipality in 2011, then Manisa Metropolitan Municipality and Soma Thermal Santral Elektrik Üretim A.Ş., which took over the power plant after privatization. was continued by Within the scope of the project, the heat obtained from the thermal power plant was used in urban heating, contributing to the improvement of the air quality in the region as well as reducing greenhouse gasses.

The system, which was used in 954 residential-equivalent (KE) buildings between January 2014 and May 2015, reduced approximately 60 thousand tons of carbon dioxide equivalent in its first year. Within the scope of the project, approximately 8 thousand subscribers were reached in 2018 and it is aimed to reach 22.000 KE buildings in total with new investments. It is foreseen that the annual greenhouse gas reduction to be achieved when the project reaches full capacity will be over 1 million tons.

Yasar Holding Carbon Footprint Reporting and Reduction Project

Within the scope of sustainability targets, water footprint & water efficiency for Yasar Holding’s prominent brands Pınar milk, Pınar meat, Pınar Su, Viking Kağıt, Dyo Boya, Dyo Printing Inks, Altın Yunus, Çamlı Yem Besicilik, Yasar Birleşik Pazarlama and Desa Energy, conducted water risks assessment, carbon footprint reporting and reduction studies.

Yasar Group companies, whose corporate carbon footprint was calculated by GTE and ERM in 2012, set the target of reducing their emissions per unit production by 15% in 2020, and with this target, Yasar Group became the first domestic company to receive an emission reduction commitment. In the study carried out, the carbon footprints of the companies and the hot carbon spots that cause the most carbon emissions were determined. Emission reduction measures have been put forward within the carbon reduction roadmap for each company.